I’m good at ‘em. I’ve built a career on ‘em. This week demands ‘em.
Looks like we’ll have a grand total of 8 appointments this week. 💪🏼 We clocked a week of maternity leave, and now it’s time to charge head first into #momlife, that work #hustle, and #kbyecancer.
I hear you friends. I hear all of your concerns. I hear your worries. I hear your advice.
And I need you to hear me. Two Thursdays ago I took my shirt off in a doctors appointment and said I’m not leaving until you feel this. My voice did not shake. I was not scared. I was my own advocate.
I know my limits. I can do this. My team says I can. So y’all are going to have to let me. And cheer for me.
In return, I cross my heart and kiss my elbow I will tap out on the hard days. I will make time to rest. I will be intentional. And measured. And, most of all, strategic.
Because my intern made me promise.
p.s. @taysha_r giving me all the feels with Elsie’s new bows.